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Exploring the New Planner App in Microsoft Teams

Discover the revamped Planner app in Microsoft Teams, its key features, and how it can streamline task management and project collaboration.

Today, I want to share my thoughts on the newly revamped Planner app integrated within Microsoft Teams. It’s been a long wait, but I assure you, it’s worth it. Let’s dive into what’s new, what’s improved, and how it can make our lives easier.

A Brief History and Introduction

The Planner app in Teams has undergone several name changes and updates over the years. Initially, it was simply called Planner, then it became Tasks by Planner and To-Do, and now it’s back to Planner, but with a host of new features. This update brings together the best of Planner and To-Do, providing a unified experience for managing tasks and projects.

So, what does this mean for us? In short, it means more seamless task management, better integration, and a lot more functionality packed into one app. Whether you’re managing personal to-dos or collaborating on team projects, the new Planner app aims to simplify your workflow.

Key Features of the New Planner App

1. Unified Task Management

The new Planner app integrates tasks from both Planner and To-Do. Here’s a breakdown of the main sections you’ll find:

  • My Day: Plan your day by adding tasks from both Planner and To-Do. It’s a great way to keep track of what needs to be done today. You can see all the tasks assigned for the day, which helps in prioritizing and organizing your workload effectively.
  • My Tasks: See all tasks assigned to you, including tasks from Planner plans, tasks you’ve created yourself, and flagged emails. This consolidated view means you no longer need to switch between different apps to see your to-do list.

2. Enhanced Filters and Views

Organizing tasks is now simpler with improved filtering options:

  • Filter by Due Date: Prioritize tasks based on their deadlines. This feature is especially useful for ensuring you meet all your deadlines and can plan your week accordingly.
  • Filter by Priority: Focus on high-priority tasks first. By setting and viewing tasks based on priority, you can tackle the most critical items first and manage your time more effectively.

3. Personal Plans

One of the most exciting new features is the ability to create personal plans. You no longer need to create an Office 365 Group for every plan. Personal plans allow you to manage private projects without involving your entire team. This is perfect for individual projects or for planning something personal like a vacation or a home renovation.

4. Notifications and Settings

The notification system has received a significant upgrade. You can now customize notifications for various activities, ensuring you’re always in the loop. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to Settings in Teams.
  • Select Notifications and then Apps.
  • Choose Planner and customize which notifications you want to receive, such as task updates or changes in task status.

This level of customization means you can stay informed about what’s important to you without being overwhelmed by unnecessary notifications.

5. New Templates and Plan Creation Options

Creating new plans has also become more intuitive. You can now choose from a variety of templates when setting up a new plan. These templates cater to different needs, whether it’s for a marketing campaign, event planning, or a project timeline. If you have Planner Premium, you get access to even more advanced templates, which can save you a lot of time and effort in setting up your plans.

6. Task Assignment and Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of the new Planner app. Assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track progress all within the app. The integration with Teams means you can discuss tasks and plans in real-time, making it easier to coordinate and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Comparison with Previous Planner Versions

To give you a clearer picture of how much has improved, here’s a comparison between the old and new versions of Planner:

Feature Old Planner New Planner
Task Integration Separate tasks for Planner and To-Do Unified task view
Plan Creation Required Office 365 Group Personal plans available
Notifications Limited options Extensive customization
Filtering Basic filtering Advanced filtering by date and priority
Templates Few templates Variety of templates, more with Premium
Collaboration Basic task assignment Enhanced collaboration tools

How I Use the New Planner

As someone who juggles multiple projects, the new Planner app has been a game-changer. Here’s how I use it:

Daily Planning

I start my day by reviewing the My Day section, adding important tasks, and setting priorities. This helps me focus on what’s most important and ensures I don’t miss any critical deadlines. The integration of tasks from both Planner and To-Do means I have a comprehensive view of all my responsibilities for the day.

Project Management

For larger projects, I create personal plans. This helps me keep everything organized without cluttering team spaces. For example, I recently planned a team event using a personal plan. It allowed me to break down the event into manageable tasks, set deadlines, and track progress without needing to involve the entire team in every detail.


I’ve set up notifications for critical tasks, ensuring I never miss an important update. The ability to customize these notifications means I get alerts for things that matter most to me, without being overwhelmed by constant pings.

Collaboration with Teams

One of the biggest advantages of the new Planner app is its seamless integration with Teams. I can easily discuss tasks and plans with my team members in real-time. This has made our meetings more productive and our projects run more smoothly. We can assign tasks during meetings, set deadlines, and track progress all within the same platform.

Using Templates

The new templates have been incredibly useful. For example, when planning a development project, I can use the template, which is providing a great starting point and will save me a lot of time. It includes pre-defined tasks and buckets, which I could customize to fit our specific needs.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Planner

  1. Regularly Update Your Tasks: Keep your task list up-to-date to ensure you’re always aware of what needs to be done. Regular updates help in staying organized and avoiding last-minute rushes.

  2. Use Filters Effectively: Take advantage of the filtering options to prioritize your work. Whether you filter by due date or priority, it helps in focusing on what’s important.

  3. Customize Your Notifications: Set up notifications that are meaningful to you. This way, you stay informed about important updates without being overwhelmed.

  4. Explore Templates: Don’t start from scratch every time. Use the available templates to save time and ensure you’re covering all necessary steps in your planning.

  5. Leverage Collaboration Tools: Use the integration with Teams to discuss tasks and plans with your team. This makes coordination easier and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Final Thoughts

The new Planner app in Teams is a robust tool for managing tasks and projects, whether they’re personal or team-related. Its integration with To-Do and enhanced features make it a must-have for anyone looking to stay organized and productive.

If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend giving it a go. It’s a powerful way to streamline your workflow and keep track of all your tasks in one place.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information, you can check out the following resources:

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with the new Planner app. Also, I’d love to hear how you’re using the new Planner app in your daily workflow. Please share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Happy planning!


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